Remember Glinda, The Good Witch, in The Wizard of Oz? She was my first hero. After staying up way past bedtime and becoming emotionally invested in Dorothy's often frightening journey down the yellow brick road, I was NOT a happy toddler to discover that The Great and Powerful Oz was a total poserš.
I had no confidence in his "hot air balloon plan" to return Dorothy to Kansas and I worried for her even before she got left behind on the ground.
Thank GOODNESS for Glinda, who explained to Dorothy that she already posessed the power to get herself home. I trusted Glinda; that kind, beautiful woman who glowed with sparkling light. I believed that I too, had the power.
...Which is why I soon bet my sister that I could fly from the side of our open basement staircase to the couch halfway across the room.
I couldn't.
My mom cleaned up my bloody fat lip and forbade me from doing that ever again.
BUT if I had practiced more, I bet I could have made a successful "flight"š!
My point here?
We really DO have so much power already within us. Believing it goes a long way. Aaaaaand it's also advisable to understand your starting place and lay out an intelligent plan for getting where you wanna goš.
There's no yellow brick road here at ReFinD, and if I ever sparkle, it's just sweat, but I'd love to be part of your journey, through strength, to wherever you're wanting to go!